Thursday, April 30, 2009

Zachary Roop - RES "Playground"



Zachary titled his final products "Animals at Play" He used the neon feature on Picnik and added in some furry friends. He transformed something he sees everyday into a fun and unique photo.

Hannah Mahoney- RES


Hannah used black and white feature and then re-colored the sky.

RES Group Work

This is a unique look at a petunia. Seems the kids like dark, under-exposed photos!
I thought they did a creative job!

Monday, April 27, 2009


So here is an example of what we have been working on. For the last several weeks our lessons have centered on art. The students review all different types of art (paintings, scupltures, music.) We are wrapping up our study of art with photography. I think this is a neat way to engae the students in "art." After discussing how to use the cameras and software, the students went to work creating thier own masterpieces. They are really enjoying expressing themselves, espically through the editing process. This is a photo that I took (ans edited) of my students working on their photos. It took a little longer than expected in class so their work will be up next week.

Friday, April 24, 2009


I designed this "blog" to keep all of the 5th and 6th grade Gifted students in Bibb County Schools connected.

I cannot wait until next week when the kids get to post their first work!!!

Mrs. Cottingham